The Value of Values

The Value of Values

Do your organization’s values matter? Help us find out.

For some organizations, the creation of values is simply an exercise that shows up as an agenda item at a senior leadership team off-site. For others, it’s a thoughtfully designed experience that involves all employees in an effort to understand, reflect and shape the company’s culture.

At The Involvement Practice, our simple definition of culture is: how work gets done. Values are a cornerstone of how work gets done everyday, or should be. They provide guard rails – along with a clear understanding of your mission, vision and business strategy, to empower employees to make decisions without the need of oversight.

Over the past few months, we’ve been wondering how organizational values have supported businesses throughout the pandemic. Did values shift? Did they effectively support team and individual decision-making? Did they help to shape or maintain the culture? Did they play a role in onboarding new team members?

The best way to find the answers to our questions is to turn to you – our global clients and friends who have first-hand experience. You’ve provided us with deep insights on culture in the past and we are hoping you’ll do it again.

To gather your perspective, we’ve partnered with our talented colleagues at FathomXP in the UK. Together, we’ve created a brief survey to unearth insights from businesses of all sizes across the US and UK.

We’d love to hear from you. Our Making Values Matter survey takes about 30 seconds to complete.

It’s anonymous, but there’s an option at the end to provide your contact details. Doing this will enable you to be among the first to receive the Making Values Matter report in which we’ll share what we’ve learned.

We’ll also save you a spot at our special webinar on May 12, 2022, where you’ll have a chance to dig into the findings, and ask questions of us and your peers.

Thanks for being involved today!

Will you take 30 seconds to complete the Making Values Matter survey? We’ll share the results with you.